
Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassignites (SNC) are a small group of achondrites with crystallization ages of approximately 1.3 AE. Although it has recently been postulated the these meteorites came from Mars, the dynamical difficulties of ejecting large meteorites from a major planet have caused us to examine the alternative possibility that they crystallized from an impact melt formed on a large asteroid. The kinetic energy necessary to produce a crater of a given size is estimated; it is postulated that 25% of this energy is partitioned into heat, and the heat is distributed in this model in a pattern suggested by the impact melt distribution in Brent Crater and the radioactivity distribution in Cactus nucelear explosion crater. The time evolution of the temperature by heat conduction for several locations around the crater is computed. Crystallization times for the more deeply buried impact melts are form 5 × 10 4 years for 60-km-diameter craters and increase for larger craters. These times are long enough for the observed cumulate textures to develop. Once solidified, these rocks may be ejected from the asteroid by subsequent cratering events. Since asteroidal escape velocities are low, ejection may be accomplished by shock pressures too low to produce petrologically detectable shock features. The SNC meteorites could thus have originated in the asteroid belt, their young crystallization ages being due to melting induced by impacts occurring on asteroids long after condensation from the solar nebula. This scenario avoids the dynamical difficulties of a major planet origin, but raises questions of how the SNC's acquired their chemical and REE characteristics. To date, there seems to be no internally consistent model for the origin of these strange meteorites. The impact melt hypothesis is offered as a rational alternative to a Martian origin. Neither hypothesis explains all the problems.

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