
“Allama al-Maqr’ri” was a great scholar and author of many books. He wrote a valuable and informative book on Spain. Muslims ruled over Spain for a long period of time. Allama al-Maqr’ri compiled Spain’s history, geographical status, conspicuous personalities as well as unique aspects of that time. This Arabic book named "Nafhut Tayyib min Ghusn al Andulus al Rutayyib”" consists on ten volumes and divided in two major parts. The first one consists of Spain’s history and the other part is about Lisin ud Din al-Khateeb. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of this precious book, its division, major parts and contents and provide the knowledge of the splendor history of Muslims in Europe. Keywords: Andalus, Maq’rri, History, Lisan ud Din

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