
n Islam the rules of conduct are compatible with the very nature of man himself and nothing contrary to that finds any room in the life of an individual. We do not have to grape around in the dark to find a solution to any issue as Islam offers a complete code of life that covers all aspects of human life. When we closely examine the social teachings of Islam we find thtat these are attractive as well as effective if the intention is to creat a peacful, hormoneous, and perfect society. In this article we discuss the five pillars of Islamand their impact on society as a whole if honestly implemented a guarnteed success, prosperity and blessings of Allah are promised both in this world and the hereafter. Good actions and deeds make our relation with the creator stronger and stronger. As a result we enjoy unlimited spiritual, social and economic benefits. Implementation of the fundamental pillars of Islam in letter an spirit has a positive impact on society which is a true mainifestation and expression of Islamic teachings. Islam does not stand for any superstitioues beliefs or out of order system, but it is a complete, practicable, implementable and competitive manifesto. Keywords: Religion, Society, Unity, Tolerance, Health, Had’ith

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