
Online shopping is catching new heights, the repetition of consumer buying behavior is still a challenge for businesses. The current study investigates the antecedents of consumer repurchase intentions that bridge consumer repurchase behavior through e-satisfaction by extending the technology acceptance model. A questionnaire was developed with additional constructs of consumer behavior after an extensive review of the literature. A total of 607 usable responses were received from Pakistani university students (the regular online shoppers). Composite, discernment validity, loadings, and average variance extracted were employed to measure the scale's reliability and validity. Structural equation modeling is applied using SmartPLS to present structural and measurement models. The current study results revealed that all hypotheses were statistically supported except product and financial risk towards behavioral intentions. Notably, the extended version of the technology acceptance model, e-satisfaction, and behavioral intentions significantly contributing to consumer repurchase behavior. This study's results can help both the website developers and the organizations doing business online to contemplate the significant factors that urge consumers to purchase online time and again, thus leading to increased profits. Moreover, this research offers a robust foundation regarding the features a website should trigger consumers to buy. Consumers repurchase behavior through e-satisfaction and consumer behavioral intention. This study serves as a baseline in understanding how the exogenous variables in the information system, marketing, and social psychology impact the endogenous variable, repurchase behavior, within the online shopping context.

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