
It was investigated the extraction of the dry substances with a water-alcohol solvent and the subsequent preparation of sugar extract from black currant, jostaberry, and plum. The water-alcohol solvent extracts the least dry matter from currant berries. The dry substance content in the black currant extract was 1.6%, while water-alcohol extracts from jostaberry and plum contained 4.3-5.5% of dry substances. At the same time, the content of dry substances in the extract is 1.6%, while water-alcohol extracts from gooseberry and plum contain 4.3–5.5% of dry substances. A significant amount of alcohol accumulates in the berries during the water-alcohol extraction. The alcohol content in all extracts, compared to the extractant, decreases from 40.0 to 25.06–26.39 wt. %. Simultaneously the alcohol losses decrease in further obtaining sugar extract from berries. The alcohol content in berries reaches 9.79 wt.% in black currant, 14.51 wt.% in plum, and 14.92 wt. % in jostaberry extract, particularly. The obtained sugar extracts contain different amounts of dry matter depending on the type of berries. The maximum degree of sugar utilization (79.0%) was during the preparation of black currant extract, which contains the maximum amount of dry substances (43.4%). The degree of sugar utilization by the plum extract obtaining was 71.6%. That corresponds to the dry substances content in the extract at 34.5%. The minimum degree of sugar utilization (31.5%) was during the production of jostaberry extract. The degree of sugar use ensures the content of dry substances in the extract of 31.8%. It was established that water-alcohol and sugar extracts from berries have maxima of visible light absorption in the range corresponding to anthocyanins absorption. The highest optical density has a water-alcohol extract from currants. A high content of polyphenolic compounds characterizes that. We established that acids are extracted almost the same amount from the berry raw material with a water-alcohol solution and during sugar treatment. The extracts from jostaberry have the maximum acidity, and its lowest value is characteristic of extracts from plum. The degree of extraction of vitamin C from berries was approximately the same and was 59% for jostaberry and 66% for black currant and plum. The perspective of using berries after extracting them as raw materials for obtaining various confectionery products is indicated.

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