
The article is devoted to the problems of setting and achieving the objective of jurisprudence that are significant not only for legal science, but also for practice, which would most fully reflect the historical experience, the current condition and trends in the future development of law. The relevance of these issues, regardless of temporal and territorial boundaries, is confirmed by the analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign legal scholars, among which special attention should be paid to the work “The objectives of modern jurisprudence” published in 1907, written by the pre-revolutionary lawyer Gambarov Yuri Stepanovich. The author of the article analyzes certain provisions of this work, “projecting” them on to the legal reality, which is formed under the influence of objective factors of a global and country scale, arguing the need to define the objective of modern jurisprudence, taking into account philosophical ideas and social relations, not limited only to the current law.

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