We prove a theorem giving an upper bound for the number of generators of a module in terms of local data, for a class of rings which includes Noetherian rings which are right fully bounded. Forster and Swan have proved such results for commutative Noetherian rings and finite algebras over these rings. Eisenbud and Evans have shown, further, that from any given set of generators for a finitely generated module over such an algebra, the number predicted by the theorem can be obtained by a certain kind of elementary transformation. This result we also obtain for our wider class of rings. Regarding these results as results about the existence and structure of epimorphisms F -+ A, where F is free and A the module, we obtain also corresponding results were F is a direct sum of copies of some projective module other than R. The chief difficulties throughout are those involved in finding substitutes for arguments involving localization, which is not an available tool in our context. For prime rings of Krull dimension one, we can remove the boundedness condition, and also obtain for hereditary Noetherian prime (HNP) rings the analogue of a result of Roiter’s for lattices over orders. We also obtain a weaker result for epimorphisms F + A, where F is a direct sum of copies of some finitely presented module which is not projective, and a uniqueness result (up to right equivalence) for epimorphisms F + A, where F is a large enough free module. In the following, terms like “Noetherian” and “Goldie”-&e applied on both sides unless specified otherwise. If A is a module, we let the direct sum of n copies of A be denoted wi (rather than A”), in or&r to avoid confusion when referring to ideals. If A is a module, we let g(A) be the smallest number which is the cardinality of a set of generators for A. A prime ring is right bounded if every essential right ideal contains a nonzero two-sided ideal, and a ring R is right fully bounded if for every prime ideal P, R/P is right
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