
Globalisation, as the world’s transformative phenomenon, is emblematic of the convergence of diverse nations under an encompassing network characterised by intricate economic structures, moral frameworks, and shared political foundations. The contemporary iteration of globalisation is undeniably intertwined with the interests and strategic motivations of nationstates. Nevertheless, this manifestation grapples with three fundamental challenges: it impedes the progress of unfettered global trade, thus hindering the global economic agenda; it propagates disparities and exerts detrimental effects on democratic governance; and it does not consistently align with democratic principles. The dynamic interplay and diplomatic engagements among nations have spawned a well-defined international trade and cooperation framework. Notably, a novel paradigm of “alliance or coalition globalisation” is materialising, eclipsing national interests in favour of regional prosperity and shared interests among diverse nations. This evolving concept introduces a new “invisible hand” in the global capitalist model, focusing on regional economic development and connectivity as top priorities for modern nation-states. Consequently, it safeguards and advances regional interests. This paper elucidates how these emerging coalitions serve as catalysts for a global paradigm shift, reconfiguring the landscape of economic and commercial interactions worldwide. The mandates include upholding territorial integrity, non-interference by international organisations in domestic affairs, balanced roles within the global order, reforming the United Nations Security Council, and ensuring that a limited number of countries no longer dictate international objectives. This new wave of globalisation promises to reshape global dynamics to reflect a more equitable and cooperative international landscape.

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