
Thanks to the development of modern electronics and information technologies, digital diagnostic systems are being actively introduced at industrial enterprises in Russia. These systems allow you to monitor the technical condition of machines and significantly simplify maintenance by transmitting data for troubleshooting directly to the service departments. (Research purpose) The research purpose is analyzing and developing the proposals for improving the management of the technical state of machines through the introduction of digital monitoring tools. (Materials and methods) Studied the materials and documentation developed at VIM, GOSNITI, included in the «Integrated system of maintenance and repair of machinery in Agriculture», as well as methodological guidelines for diagnosing and managing the reliability of agricultural machinery. It was established that in order to effectively manage the technical condition of the operated and manufactured equipment, it is necessary to develop digital diagnostic and monitoring tools. (Results and discussion) They presented the priority requirements for the use of digital monitoring tools used in the implementation of assigned repair and maintenance actions based on data from periodic or continuous monitoring by diagnostic tools. Within the framework of the implementation of the industry project «Digital Agriculture» on the basis of KSTOR to develop proposals for managing the reliability of agricultural machinery. At the same time, digital monitoring systems should provide non-selective diagnostics of components with the possibility of general and indepth monitoring; assessment of the condition without the influence of the «human» factor; the efficiency of data extraction to obtain a significant technical and economic effect. (Conclusions) In order to effectively manage the technical condition, it is necessary to increase the level of adaptability of units and aggregates to diagnostics for the use of developed digital monitoring tools.

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