
In this internet era, consumers can easily open any website to seek information. Company website is an online media that provides information about the company and the product, and it can be accessed by the global internet user. Companies can use websites to enhance their interactions with the global audience especially their potential consumers on a global scale. Company website through internet connection enables global distribution of company and products information to the audience around the world. As the world became more globalize, Chinese companies also attempt to be more global. This article tried to analyze the Chinese companies' way of communicating to global audience through website; how far the progress they have created with the website to fit for global audience. This article analyzed “Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2016” websites. In designing the website for global consumers (English version), Chinese company did not only translate with the same format, but they deliberately make some differences between the Chinese website and their English version website as the global web that are targeted to global audience. This article focused on visual literacy analysis of web designs, such as language, pictures, colors, and page layout. Some differences made in the English websites are more suitable for the global audience, but some other differences create a bad image for the company. Interview with global audiences are conducted to get some global consumer's experiences of the English version websites. To become a global company, they need to make an effective communication through website to provide a clear information to global consumer.

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