
The Turkhh commuaiües in Turkc) are %ıiU »h0wİAg l^eat diflfcrciK'cs iu (he iociocul(ural «^peets öf their life. Thus dUTetent kinds of communİlies arc stili Uung in leparale dges: î- TuKush urban socicUes* a- TuHûsh rural societics. The problemsofTurkislî viUagca andoflhcdevclopmeoi ofpeasant çuınmumües. lıavc alnayı bcen bandled as an aeiua] topic in Turkey. It b B faet that Turkbh pcasanu arc stili ia laçk nıiempt in ehe preparation of thdr de\elupment or urlfnre. Beacause they are mneh eonfined in their trodiüons, İn their esery walk of lb*es, as well as in (heir adapution (o their material environment.

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