
Was to give a comparative assessment of the movement of enamel and dentin fluid depending on the morphological structure of different sections of human dental hard tissues. The research involved 140 female subjects aged 21-30 years. Sizes, form, surface of enamel-dentin junction, enamel prisms and their crystals in superficial, middle and deep sections, width, tortuosity, facing of dentin tubules of tested teeth were analyzed by scanning electron microscope Jeol JCM-5700 and atomic force microscope NTEGRA Prima. The biochemical study examined the quantitative content of water in the samples of enamel, dentin, enamel-dentin junction by weighing sample weights before and after drying. The data obtained were processed by methods of variation statistics using standard packages Microsoft Excel 2008, Statistica 12.0. The enamel-dentine junction of large-fastened type is characterized by zones of dentin integration into enamel at the distance of more than 10 mm, with regular arrangement of enamel prisms and wide dentine tubules of 3.55 to 4.70 μm in diameter; no water content reduction was found. The small-fastened type has less pronounced spots of dentin interference with enamel from 2 to 10 μm, the dentinal tubules are slightly curved with a diameter of 2.90 to 3.60 μm, the water content in dentin is reduced. In microfastened type, a linear structure with interpenetration zones up to 2 μm, enamel prisms slightly ordered, dentin tubules narrowed and curved in diameter from 1.30 to 1.95 μm, water content in enamel and dentin is reduced. At microfastened type of enamel-dentin junction, chaotic arrangement of enamel prisms and narrow dentin tubules water movement is broken and metabolic processes are reduced that determines high probability of exposure of dental hard tissue diseases.

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