
Increasing use of the Rorschach Inkblots Test is being made in medical diagnosis, not only in psychiatry, but in neurology as well. Bibliography is too extensive to quote here, and the reader is referred to the standard work by Klopfer et al. (1956) which lists nearly 3,000 references specific to Rorschach literature. The inclusion of a long chapter on the clinical use of this test in the latest research monograph of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases (1954) is evidence of the increasing esteem in which this test is held by specialists in neurology and psychiatry, supported by the growing use of the test in diagnosing intracranial organic pathology. It is interesting to note that in the latter field the Rorschach has proved superior in diagnostic accuracy to any other single neurological test, such as EEG, lumbar puncture, ventriculography, etc., and is often as good as the complete battery together.

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