
Nowadays modern competetive labor market situation results the diffuculties to adapt to the younger generation rather than the people with other age groups. People who are trying to employ are being asked much more requirements, that‘s why it’s very important to highlight those motives, which are related to the choice of profession. Beause of the motives, it depends every activity and it’s success. Scientists note, that it is very important to know your motives, that you can adjust and control them; because the intensity, direction of the activity and comunicationcan be changed by changing the motives. In the research there were 115 Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences music pedagogy study program students.Research aim – to examine Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences music pedagogy program selection of the motives and their alteration during the study year.Research objective: to identify the students with music pedagogy bachelor study program selection for their profession motives; to reveal the change of students attitude towards their profession during studying year; find out students fulfillment of their studies and their willingness to work in the educational system.Music pedagogical profession selection of the motives research showed students’ professional orientation and the willingness to be the music teacher. The highest value had cognitive and personal motives. For more than two-thirds of patients it is very important to achieve higher education. The least significant motives are other people – friends, parents, relatives and family traditions – influence.Revealed the change of the respondents’ attitude towards their profession during the study year: the impression and experiences towards their profession changed after practice period; the perception, that the teacher profession is connected with patience, occurs; disclose the need to know pedagogical topics better; passion to work with children and self-expression. More than one-third of the respondent noted, that the need to be the music teacher is their main motive, which is not changing and stimulating to study in the university. However the research resultsshowed that there are some students, who lack in professional purposefulness, which comes out in doubts, emergence of the problems and disappointment. Revealed that the strongest professional purposefulness is during the study years, which been influenced by quality of studies, expectation fulfillment, needs satisfaction and benefit of the practice. Established the satisfaction of the studies: future music teachers during their studies finds perspective of their own subject, finds the meaning to do pedagogical work; self-realizing by communicating with children and by implementing their own creative ideas.


  • Remiantis įvairių mokslininkų darbais (Jovaiša, 1981; Kregždė, 1988; Laužackas, 1996; Rodzevičiūtė, 2008) buvo išskirtos šešios motyvų grupės: motyvai, susiję su profesiniu kryptingumu; motyvai, susiję su aukštojo mokslo siekimu; pažintiniai motyvai; asmeniniai motyvai, kitų žmonių įtaka ir kiti motyvai

  • Revealed the change of the respondents’ attitude towards their profession during the study year: the impression and experiences towards their profession changed after practice period; the perception, that the teacher profession is connected with patience, occurs; disclose the need to know pedagogical topics better; passion to work with children and self-expression

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Muzikos pedagogo profesijos pasirinkimo motyvai ir jų kaita studijų metu

Straipsnyje analizuojama LEU studentų muzikos pedagogo profesijos pasirinkimo motyvų problema. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai pastūmėja studentus pasirinkti muzikos pedagogo profesiją. Tiriant būsimų muzikos mokytojų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus, svarbu domėtis, koks yra jų požiūris į muzikos mokytojo profesiją, kokia šio požiūrio kaita studijų metu ir kokią įtaką gali daryti studijų procesui. Atsižvelgus į tai, tyrimo objektu buvo pasirinkta muzikos pedagogo profesijos pasirinkimo motyvai. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto muzikos pedagogikos specialybės studentų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus ir jų kaitą studijų metu. Nustatyti muzikos pedagogikos bakalauro studijų programos studentų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus. Interviu sudarė atviri klausimai: ar pasikeitė profesijos pasirinkimo motyvai studijų metu ir ar studentai patenkinti studijomis. Skirtingi tyrimo duomenų analizės metodai pasirinkti siekiant geriau atskleisti būsimų muzikos pedagogų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus. Pirmame tyrimo etape buvo siekta atskleisti muzikos pedagogikos studijų pasirinkimo motyvus. Remiantis įvairių mokslininkų darbais (Jovaiša, 1981; Kregždė, 1988; Laužackas, 1996; Rodzevičiūtė, 2008) buvo išskirtos šešios motyvų grupės: motyvai, susiję su profesiniu kryptingumu; motyvai, susiję su aukštojo mokslo siekimu; pažintiniai motyvai; asmeniniai motyvai, kitų žmonių įtaka ir kiti motyvai

LEU lengviau mokytis nei kitose aukštosiose mokyklose
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