
This work is an experimental study of the modulation which has been found in resonance radiation when the fluorescing vapour is subjected to static and radio-frequency magnetic fields, as in the double resonance experiment of Brossel & Bitter. The particular example chosen for study in this work also was the resonance lineλ2537 Å of mercury. The experimental observations are compared with the predictions of a theoretical treatment which has already been published. The phenomenon was studied under a variety of geometrical configurations. When the polarization of the exciting light allowed excitation to only one excited state (a component of a Zeeman multiplet), the depth of modulation was found to depend on the closeness to resonance of the frequency,ω0, of the radio-frequency field to the Larmor precessional frequency,ω=γH, in the static fieldH. When the polarization of the exciting light allowed excitation to more than one component of the multiplet, resonance effects were found in the depth of modulation and in the mean intensity of the fluorescent light at fields where the applied frequency was equal, not to the Larmor frequency alone, but to combinations of the Larmor frequency with the nutational frequency. From a quantum-mechanical point of view, these new phenomena are related to the interference effects which are found in resonance fluorescence when there is degeneracy between excited states: in the present case the degeneracy is induced by the radio-frequency field. The ease with which the geometrical conditions could be altered allowed the theory to be tested in considerable detail without quantitative assessment of the resonance line contours: nevertheless, a quantitative study was made of one particular feature. The predictions of the theory were confirmed at all points where they were tested.

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