
The organization of active self-work while studying at the highest school can teach the future doctors and effectively to replenish their knowledge, to think actively and creatively, to constantly improve themselves, to demonstrate an innovative approach in solving urgent situations. Objective — to analyze the current state of self-work of students of medical universities in the study of intensive care. Discussion of the problem of self-work in the study of intensive care or other professional discipline, as a specific form of educational activity of medical students, is induced by adequate motivation: own self-improvement, personal growth, deepening of knowledge, etc. In the study of intensive care it is advisable to organize the control of knowledge of students. Interviews were conducted to assess the quality, efficiency and necessity of self-training in the study of intensive care when they were students. According to interns, an important point that reduces the effectiveness of the study of intensive care in the form of self-work was low motivation associated with the lack of imagination about his future professional activities and the relationship with her basic provisions of intensive care. The second problem in self-work of students, according to the interns, was the lack of a phased study of the subject, which in their view was due to the lack of time and the large number of students in the group. The third problem is the difficulty in choosing the necessary information when studying intensive care. Often, students face the problem of lack of understanding of the degree of information need and the possibilities of its application, especially in the application of information technology. According to modern requirements, self-work in the study of intensive care by students of medical universities should be divided into self-work for: gaining new knowledge; for application of knowledge in practice; for repetition and verification of knowledge, skills and abilities. So, managed self-work of students is a purposeful activity of teachers and students for systematic assimilation of personality of professionally important knowledge, skills and abilities. The use of traditional and innovative forms and methods of training that, complementing each other, would be the only system in the study of intensive care methods is the main task of organizing self-work of students. Of great importance in the organization of self-work of students acquires a clear organization of this process from the side of the educational institution and its careful planning by the teacher.


  • Мета - аналіз сучасного стану самостійної роботи студентів медичних університетів при вивченні інтенсивної терапії.

  • Обговорення проблеми самостійної роботи при вивченні інтенсивної терапії чи іншої професійної дисципліни, як специфічної форми навчальної діяльності студентів-медиків, обумовленаадекватною мотивацією: власним самовдосконаленням, особистим ростом, поглибленням знань тощо.

  • При вивченні інтенсивної терапії доцільно організувати контроль знань студентів.

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Мета - аналіз сучасного стану самостійної роботи студентів медичних університетів при вивченні інтенсивної терапії. Обговорення проблеми самостійної роботи при вивченні інтенсивної терапії чи іншої професійної дисципліни, як специфічної форми навчальної діяльності студентів-медиків, обумовленаадекватною мотивацією: власним самовдосконаленням, особистим ростом, поглибленням знань тощо. При вивченні інтенсивної терапії доцільно організувати контроль знань студентів. Було проведено опитування інтернів для оцінки якості, ефективності та необхідності самостійної підготовки при вивченні інтенсивної терапії, коли вони були студентами.

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