
This article focuses on developing the content of a contemporary, concept and strategic act aimed at enhancing the legal regulation of social security in Ukraine, contextualized within the evolution of the concept of civil society. The author advocates for the creation and endorsement of a Concept to facilitate the participation of civil society actors in bolstering the social security of modern Ukraine. Structurally, this Concept is composed of six parts. The first, ‘Problems that Require Solutions,' highlights issues such as the subpar quality of current legislation's legal regulation concerning the activities of civil society entities, leading to a legal vacuum in the legal framework and regulation of social security involving these entities. The second part, ‘Value Guidelines, Goals, and Objectives for the Implementation of this Concept,' delineates the foundational principles of the social security legal regulation mechanism in the context of civil society's development. Furthermore, it identifies the establishment of institutional, regulatory, and other resource conditions as a goal, enabling effective civil society participation in legally regulating conditions for a socially safe human existence in Ukraine.
 The third section of the Concept, 'Time Frame for the Implementation of this Concept,’ specifies that while the Concept is valid indefinitely, the resolution of key issues addressed therein should be accomplished before 2026. The fourth part, 'Methods and Approaches for Problem,’ includes strategies such as enhancing current legislation on the legal regulation of civil society actors’ participation in legal processes, especially in social security regulation; the development of a Strategy for Social Security Assurance by Civil Society Actors and its corresponding implementation program, among others. The fifth and sixth parts, 'Anticipated Outcomes’ and 'Estimation of Financial, Material, Technical, and Human Resources,’ respectively, complete the Concept. The article’s conclusion summarizes the research findings and identifies a list of regulations that should be developed and enacted as part of the Concept’s implementation. These include proposed legislative drafts such as the Laws of Ukraine 'On Social Security,’ 'On the Activities of Civil Society Entities in Ukraine,’ and 'On Public Lobbying Activities.’

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