The religious moderation is a newly introduced discourse in Indonesian Islam context. This movement is aimed at moderating extreme practices of Islam and religion in general. Muhammadiyah, one major Islamic movement in Indonesia is known for its moderate and modern inclination. However, as Muhammadiyah is also known as the movement of Islamic reformation which to some extent is often connected to purification, some identifications of Muhammadiyah as a non-moderate movement prevails. This article shows that Muhammadiyah is a modern and moderate Islamic organization. In order to proof this claim, this paper analyses one document produced by Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah, a council within the organization of Muhammadiyah responsible for responding novel issues within the realm of Islamic law in particular, and Islamic thought in general. The document called Risalah Akhlak Filosofis or Treatise on Philosophical Ethics which was issued in 2020 as the result of the council congress. Using the moderation theoretical framework, analysis of the treatise proofs that Muhammadiyah is a moderate Islamic religious movement, in two contexts, theoretical and practical. Moreover, in Muhammadiyah context, moderation is comprehended in two meanings, namely moderation in the meaning of balance and anti or avoiding extremism. In this sense, moderation can be seen through the explanation in the treatise which emphasizes the importance of placing roles in various contexts. Furthermore, moderation in Muhammadiyah’s thought can also be seen in its unwillingness to take advantage of other people’s thoughts. In this case, Muhammadiyah shows its tendency of moderation through dialogue of thought between civilizations.
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