
The purpose of the research. Electronic democracy tools provide many new channels for interaction between the government and the community during the process of social projects implementation. This new factor for Ukraine requires significant communication between the authorities and the public. In this article the problem of power and the public interaction under the conditions of social projects implementation are considered in the context of e-democracy and public administration. Methodology. To aggregate the individual preferences the Hoteling model was used in the article. It allows proposing the new functional model for the interaction between authorities and the public. This model includes such compulsory components like electronic media and a group of experts and analysts. Results. The development of the public through the social projects implementation requires two conditions: a large number of people belonging to the “middle class” (there preferences not differ much from the median voter); all middle class voters should have full and objective information about the consequences of the decision. E-democracy and e-government must comply with these two conditions. In this sense we have to understand the D. Acemoglu and J. Robinson’s thesis about that the political institutions (which are crucial for involving as much as possible the public to making decision) determine successful development of society. Activities of state and regional authorities are carried out under the condition of such projects implementation. Practical meaning. E-democracy requires society involvement at all stages of projects development and implementation. Taking into account this aspect in the proposed model of communication allows not only effectively transmit information from the authorities to the public about social project for analysis and substantiation but effectively influence the decisions of power structures. Prospects for further research. The dominant factor is the combination of experts and analysts, as well as their relationship with the society and power by channels of electronic media communication. It provides for the social group, in which the median voter is located, the obtaining of all needed information to making the optimal choice. The set of feedbacks between the public and the authorities allows for effective management of socio-economic development of society.

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