
Since the return to democratic rule in 1999, Nigeria has witnessed different forms of conflict ranging from sectarian to ethno-religious crises, whole sale abduction, hostage taking, arson, incidents of cattle rustlings and terrorism in the North. Our nascent democracy has also been tested by rampant crimes of armed robbery, baby factories and kidnappings in the East, pipeline vandalism, crude-oil theft and civil unrest in the South; abduction, hostage taking and ritual killings in the West. All these have had severe consequences on human and material resources of the nation hence the inevitability of military involvement in internal security of the country. This study seeks to investigate the extent to which the military have been involved in the nation’s internal security and the prospects and challenges associated with it. The study predominantly utilized secondary data and in the final analysis, the findings indicated that today’s Nigeria is witnessing a higher level of aggression and wanton destruction of lives and properties and as such the role of the military in the internal security of the nation cannot be over emphasized. Therefore this study recommends that the military should remain an indispensible partner in the internal security network of the country. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n27p1301

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