
Inhalt: W. LARCHER: Altitudinal Variation in Flowering Time of Lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.) in the Alps in Relation to Temperatures; F. SCHWEIGER: A Note on the Eigenvalues for Periodic Three-Dimensional Jacobi-Perron Algorithms; J. KOSINKA – B. JÜTTLER: Cubic Helices in Minkowski Space; E. HLAWKA: Pythagoräische Tripel höherer Ordnung; B.J. GRUBER: Mathematical-Physical Properties of Musical Tone Systems II: Applications; A. HOFINGER: The Metrics of Prokhorov and Ky Fan for Assessing Uncertainty in Inverse Problems; W. JabŁoŃski – L. REICH: Stability of the Translation Equation in Rings of Formal Power Series and Partial Extensibility of One-Parameter Groups of Truncated Formal Power Series; J. CIGLER: Remarks on Some Sequences of Binomial Sums; B. ODEHNAL: Die Linienelemente des P3; G. LARCHER – F. PILLICHSHAMMER: An Extremum Problem for Convex Polygons; C. HEUBERGER – A. PETHŐ – R.F. TICHY: Thomas' Family of Thue Equations over Imaginary Quadratic Fields, II; S.J. BAUER: Electron Density Distribution in the Topside Ionosphere of Mars and Associated Atmospheric Parameters

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