
Geographic regionalisation of the agricultural production in North Moravia region makes only a part of the special research work prepared with the aim to delimitate relatively homogeneous agricultural areas on the whole territory of the Czech socialist republic. This delimitation is based on the characteristics of the agricultural enterprises. Characteristic of the agricultural production in the region was done by the help of analysis of the great amount of indicators and their mutual relations. The majority of these data was interpreted by cartographic methods. In the concluding stage of our research there were proved that not all indicators selected previously, which are important for the general characteristic of agricultural production, can be taken as factors suitable for delimitation of agricultural regions. For the effective delimitation of agricultural regions in North Moravia region the following quantitative indicators used as criteria showing the really substantial differences in agricultural typology can be applicated in the best way: 1. Structure of gross agricultural production as characteristic of territorial heterogennity of the agricultural production. 2. Structure of market production as indicator of productive intention and specialization of countries. 3. Level of gross agricultural production, final production and market production per 1 ha of farmer land as indicator of the intensity level of agricultural production. 4. Level of gross agricultural production, final production and market production count per one permanent employes in agriculture as indicator of tbe intensity of labour productivity. The research work dealing with the agricultural regionalisation in North Moravia region confirms the growing importance of the bride row of methodes (including cartographic ones) which are used in contemporaneous geographical research for delimitation of territorial differences of agricultural types in various regions. For example delimitation of productional types of agricultural farmes combination of methods by Weaver and Coppock adapted to our purposes was utilised. Resultes were later compared with the classification prepared according to the medium values in Czechoslovakia. Also some approches used by soviet and polish geographers, as little changed and adapted to the conditions of comperatively small area, were utilised in this research work. On the base of classification of the social and productional types of agricultural production and also taking in to toe consideration that boundaries between agricultural regions reflect to certain extand particularities influenced by the climatic conditions and special types of soils connected with them, we have determined in North Moravia region tile following three large agricultural regions, devidet to the ten smaller areas. A. region of lowland agricultural production with growing of intensive and special plants, B. region of highlands and uplands with majority of corn growing C. region of mountainous agriculture with majority of cattle breeding.

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