
Summary. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the methodological basis of modern European integration processes, which determine the strategy for the development of higher education in Ukraine. Methodology. Productive is the application of the civilizational approach, methods of historical and philosophical analysis, which made it possible to analyze the problem of the development of higher education as a form of social consciousness at the beginning of the 21st century; to find out the strategic features of European integration processes in higher education of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The article examines the basic provisions of the strategy for the development of higher education in Ukraine, which defines European integration as a priority goal and provides the tools for its implementation. It was established that the methodological foundations of strategically important conceptual provisions for the development of higher education are implemented in the operational component – in value guidelines, principles, approaches, educational technologies, etc. Key among them is the principles of student-centeredness, open science, competence approach, and others. In order to implement European integration priorities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine envisages updating and approving the Roadmap for Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area and renewing the Framework Agreement with the European Union on scientific and technical cooperation. It is important to adapt to Ukrainian realities the principle of Open Science, which contributes to the integration of Ukrainian research infrastructure into European research e-infrastructures and their consortia, at the same time in joining the development of the European Cloud of Open Science, service training, etc. Conclusions. In today’s complex civilizational conditions in Ukraine and the world, the methodological guidelines of higher education largely determine the strategy of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

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