
Summary. The purpose of the article is to study European integration as a resource, as an opportunity to improve the present Ukrainian childhood, in the context of educational transformations. The methodological basis of the research was analysis, synthesis, comparison and modeling. Scientific novelty. High standards of education and monitoring of their compliance, financing of educational services, improvement of the qualifications of employees, orientation towards the child and its independent development are synonymous with the concept of European education, and therefore new opportunities for Ukrainian schoolchildren. Conclusions. The modernization of the educational system and its improvement began at the beginning of the formation of Ukraine as an independent state. Modern world trends were analyzed by specialists and used to improve Ukrainian education. Investigating the issue of European integration as a resource for Ukrainian childhood in the context of educational transformations, the educational system was analyzed as a multi-component phenomenon that consists of some elements, namely: the excellence of educational programs, the quality of teaching staff, methods of managing educational institutions, as well as the level of knowledge of school graduates. Relevant aspects of European pedagogical concepts and approaches were identified, which are important to implement in the Ukrainian educational system. An important step on the way to the Europeanization of Ukrainian education is the concept of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). NUS, as a concept, are distinguished by its practical orientation to the educational process and put the individual characteristics of the child first, which is surprisingly important for upbringing and personality formation. The success of the implementation of any innovative educational concepts primarily depends on the readiness of teachers for their implementation, on pedagogical skills, flexibility and orientation to the success of each child. Only in such conditions can society and parents be sure of the educational services provided.

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