
Recent biomolecular studies tend to involve combinations of different methods and approaches that allow analyzing organisms on the genomic and proteomic levels, as well as on the level of metabolomics. However, in order to justify the use of the metabolomics techniques in plant breeding, it is important to perform comprehensive analysis of a broad range of species and varieties. In this study, we evaluated the contents of low-molecular-weight substances in seeds of different rapeseed cultivars by the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique. For every metabolomic profile, we estimated 168 target substances, and 52 of them were unambiguously identified. These compounds included amino acids, organic and fatty acids, tocopherols, and phytosterols. In order to keep the data assay within the context of multivariate statistics, we used principal component analysis (PCA), partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and partial least square regression (PLS-R). Subsequent analysis revealed a significant difference between the metabolomic profiles of the investigated rapeseed cultivars, with the primary role of the amino acids and organic acids. Noticeably, the PLS-DA model showed 65% of the explained variance and, according to the Venetian blinds cross- validation test, 91.67 % of the accuracy. Thus, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the metabolomics approach to the varietal identification of seeds. This strategy can be further improved with a continuously updated database of the metabolomic profiles of different species and cultivars. Application of the PLS-DA method will allow comparison of the metabolites of unknown samples with the existing profiles and, subsequently, identification of new seed samples.


  • Recent biomolecular studies tend to involve combinations of different methods and approaches that allow analyzing organisms on the genomic and proteomic levels, as well as on the level of metabolomics

  • In order to justify the use of the metabolomics techniques in plant breeding, it is important to perform comprehensive analysis of a broad range of species and varieties

  • We evaluated the contents of low-molecular-weight substances in seeds of different rapeseed cultivars by the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique

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Селекция и биотехнология растений

Mетаболомный подход к оценке сортовой специфичности семян Brassica napus L. В данной работе с использованием метода газовой хроматографии, сопряженной с масс-спектрометрией, проведена оценка содержания низкомолекулярных метаболитов в семенах разных сортов рапса, которые относились к одной репродукции. Обработка полученных данных осуществлялась методами мультивариантной статистики: методом главных компонент (МГК), методом дискриминантного анализа проекций на латентные структуры (ПЛС-ДА) и методом множественного регрессионного анализа проекций на латентные структуры. Ключевые слова: Brassica napus L., семена, газовая хроматография, масс-спектрометрия, метаболомика, метод главных компонент, дискриминантный анализ проекций на латентные структуры. Смоликова Г.Н., Шаварда А.Л., Алексейчук И.В., Чанцева В.В., Медведев С.С. Smolikova G.N., Shavarda A.L., Alekseichuk I.V., Chantseva V.V., Medve­dev S.S. The metabolomic approach to the assessment of cultivar specificity of Brassica napus L. seeds. The metabolomic approach to the assessment of cultivar specificity of Brassica napus L. seeds. В данной работе проведен метаболомный анализ семян разных сортов рапса, основанный на газовой хроматографии, сопряженной с масс-спектрометрией. Mallard, «NIH») на основании данных по времени выхода нормальных углеводородов

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