
This study aims to explore the mental image of the United States of America among the Jordanian public after the outbreak of the events of October 7, 2023, which led to the eruption of a war between Hamas and Israel. This war resulted in the deaths, injuries, and disappearances of tens of thousands of victims. The war extended to neighboring countries, where Hezbollah from southern Lebanon, some Islamic organizations supporting Iran in Iraq and Syria, and the Houthi Ansar Allah group from Yemen participated. The Houthis prevented the passage of American, Israeli, and British ships, declaring that they did so in solidarity with Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip. This study is descriptive in nature, and within its general framework, the survey method was adopted. An electronic survey tool was used to collect information about the study sample, with 370 individuals considered leaders of public opinion in Jordan. The study revealed that the image of the United States of America is negative among the Jordanian public, as political and popular leaders organized sit-ins and protests in front of the US Embassy in Amman in protest against its supportive stance toward Israel. The study sample considered that the United States of America strongly supports Israel, providing it with money and weapons, and considers it the main supporter of this country in the Middle East and the world.

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