This article focuses on the study of the media culture of Telegram journalism. This messenger has long ceased to be a platform for messaging between users. Journalists have subordinated the functionality of Telegram to their activities: here they unite the audience, transmit information in the format of a personal message and provide a fi eld for expression. Russian journalists have begun to actively use the messenger for their professional activities since 2022: editorial offi ces of large media outlets create channels, and traditional media outlets quote publications from their own Telegram channels and the channels of colleagues in their materials. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the media culture of Telegram media channels remains poorly studied, while the messenger is gaining popularity among online platforms for journalistic activities, posing strong competition to traditional media sites. In the process of research, the author used sampling, comparison and comparison methods and also turned to scientifi c theoretical materials on Internet journalism, journalism in social media and, in particular, the journalistic activities of Telegram. The purpose of the research is to study the media culture of modern Telegram journalism. The objective of the study is to use the example of practical material, namely, based on posts from the Telegram channels RIA Novosti, Readovka and Mash during the beginning of the Palestinian-Israeli confl ict, to study the tools of work of journalists in the messenger and determine their features in comparison with work on the websites of publications. The study revealed the features of the media culture of Telegram media channels: journalists more willingly and quickly transmit information in the messenger, in comparison with the publication’s website, actively integrate different formats for transmitting content, tools for infl uencing the attention of the audience, including at the stylistic level. The conducted research introduces the media culture of Telegram journalism and demonstrates the need for further and detailed study of the concept of Telegram journalism, the prospects for the development of modern Internet journalism, in particular in social media. Keywords: Telegram-journalism, media culture, messenger, online media, RIA Novosti, Mash, Readovka
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