
In the article the peculiarities of applying the requirements of the new edition of the Law of Ukraine «On metrology and metrological activity» to the means of measuring equipment, which are put into exploitation and used in and outside the area of legally regulated metrology are considered. The means of measuring equipment which are put into circulation, placed on the market or put into exploitation and used in the area of legally regulated metrology shall comply with the requirements of all applicable Technical Regulations (Directives for EU) applicable to them. On the example of the measuring instruments related to the measurement of mass describes the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations applicable to them. The list of normative documents that corresponds to the instruments of different types for presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the relevant Technical Regulations are submitted. The information on the need for periodic verification of measuring equipment after conducting the conformity assessment procedure with the requirements of the Technical Regulations and after the end of the verification interval, which is established by the normative legal act of Ukraine is provided. The requirements for voluntary calibration of means of measuring equipment, which are used in and / or outside the area of legally regulated met­rology in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On metrology and metrological activity» are considered. The enterprise must calibrate their standards and the means of measuring equipment to use to conduct their activities and / or to check the conformity of products and services to the established requirements. Because, the introduction of a certified quality management system in the enterprise requires compliance with the requirements of traceability and uncertainty of measurements. Conformity assessment bodies, including tes­ting and calibration laboratories, scientific metrology centers, metrology centers and verification laboratories, shall also calibrate their standards and means of measuring equipment with the intercalibration intervals set solely by the user, taking into account the guidelines specified in the regulations.


  • In the article the peculiarities of applying the requirements of the new edition of the Law of Ukraine «On metrology and metrological activity» to the means of measuring equipment, which are put into exploitation and used in and outside the area of legally regulated metrology are considered

  • The means of measuring equipment which are put into circulation, placed on the market or put into exploitation and used in the area of legally regulated metrology shall comply with the requirements of all applicable Technical Regulations (Directives for EU) applicable to them

  • On the example of the measuring instruments related to the measurement of mass describes the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations applicable to them

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ЗВТ, ПОВ’ЯЗАНІ З ВИМІРЮВАННЯМ МАСИ У СФЕРІ ТА ПОЗА СФЕРОЮ ЗАКОНОДАВЧО РЕГУЛЬОВАНОЇ МЕТРОЛОГІЇ. Неавтоматичні зважувальні прилади (ваги) під час уведення в експлуатацію повинні пройти оцін ку відповідності вимогам Технічного регламенту що до неавтоматичних зважувальних приладів (ТР НЗП) [3], якщо ваги використовуються у сфері законо давчо регульованої метрології та/або які призначе ні для використання у категоріях застосування, за значених у пп. Під час введення в експлуатацію оцінку відповід ності вимогам Технічного регламенту засобів вимірю вальної техніки (ТР ЗВТ) [11] повинні пройти авто матичні зважувальні прилади, перелік яких наведено у додатку 8 ТР ЗВТ [11] (автоматичні прилади для зва жування розділених вантажів; автоматичні вагові до затори дискретної дії; автоматичні ваги дискретної дії для сумарного обліку (бункерні ваги для сумарного об ліку); ваги безперервної дії для сумарного обліку; за лізничні платформні ваги), й які призначені для засто сування у сфері законодавчо регульованої метрології.

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