
Two ways how to determine maximum punching resistance of flat slabs with shear reinforcement are currently used. The first way is verification of the concrete strut capacity at the column periphery defined as VRd,max. The second limit is defined as kmax multiple of the punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement VRd,c. The values of kmax are proposed usually in between 1.4 and 2.0. Results of the experimental tests are presented in the paper that were focused on above mentioned limits, whether failure of the struts can precede any other form of punching failure that is limited by kmax*VRd,c. Two experimental slab samples reinforced with high amount of shear reinforcement that increased punching capacity above capacity of the concrete struts were tested together with two slab samples cast without shear reinforcement. Comparison has shown that punching resistance of flat slab with shear reinforcement has been 1.7 times higher than resistance without shear reinforcement. While some standards allow for use kmax value of 1.9 in this case. This indicates that limits based only on the kmax factors may overestimate actual maximum punching shear resistance.

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