
Since the end of 2014, the Russian economy has undergone major changes. The crisis continued until 2018, followed by stabilization and short-term growth in 2018-2019. The emerging positive trends were interrupted by the pandemic. All this has had a signifcant impact on the vocational professional eduation market, both in quantitative and structural terms. The modern world is changing too fast, it is necessary to form the creative potential of a person. The article states that specialists’ adaptation mechanisms to new conditions should change with the help of advanced training, obtaining new knowledge and skills in all forms of education, including the system of vocational professional education. This means that the market of educational services formed by state, departmental and corporate educational institutions must respond to the demands of the economy and consumers of these services. Such advanced technologies and methods as online studying should be used along with and in combination with ofine classes. The conducted research has shown that large corporations allocate signifcant funds for the training and retraining of specialists corresponding to the level of technological development, capable of making effective management decisions. The authors of the article note that in the system of vocational professional education consumers of educational services are most interested in training programs related to management, marketing, information and computer technologies, which is quite consistent with the digital economy and the knowledge economy

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