
ABSTRACT Silvio Berlusconi’s enduring influence on Italian politics is profound, marking a transformative era that reshaped the nation’s political, institutional, and communicative landscapes. As Italy’s longest-serving prime minister since World War II, Berlusconi’s tenure and actions have left indelible marks on the country’s governance and political culture. His leadership of Forza Italia, a party he founded in 1994, epitomizes his central role in fostering a political environment characterized by personalized leadership and media-centric campaigning. This analysis explores Berlusconi’s multifaceted legacy, from his party’s organizational and financial strategies to his impact on Italy’s political system and media landscape. It discusses the challenges and transformations within Forza Italia and the broader right-wing coalition in the post-Berlusconi era, assessing the party’s future and Berlusconi’s lasting imprint on Italian politics and media.

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