
ABSTRACT Nonnis, O.; Maggi, C., Lanera, P.; Proietti, R.; Izzi, A.; Antonelli, P. and Gabellini, M., 2016. The management of information to identify the submarine cable route: the case study of Campania island. In: Vila-Concejo, A.; Bruce, E.; Kennedy, D.M., and McCarroll, R.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 75, pp. 1002 - 1006. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Offshore pipelines and cables are infrastructures frequently located in the midst of delicate marine ecosystems. The route definition is one of the more complex and strategic aspect for the operation of laying a submarine cable or pipeline. In the designing phase different cable's routes are selected analyzing in detail the natural and/or anthropogenic constraints of the areas to be crossed, to identify the optimal alternative with less environmental impact. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to group all the area's and infrastructure's...

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