
Solving the issues of environmentalization of agricultural production is an extremely important task in a scientific and applied sense, namely: providing the population with food, preventing crop losses from harmful objects, and protecting the environment from excessive chemical loading. Accordingly, an alternative solution in overcoming the negative consequences of chemicalization of agricultural production and improving the quality of seed products is the use of environmentally safe plant protection measures. An important component of technologies for growing various crops is their protection against phytopathogenic microorganisms. After all, in the agrocenoses of agricultural crops, there is an accumulation of an infectious background of phytopathogenic micromycetes, among which species of the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria, and Fusarium predominate, which can cause outbreaks of many plant diseases (root rot, Alternaria, Fusarium, Phytophthora, Anthracnose, Cercosporosis). Phytotoxic metabolites of necrotrophic phytopathogenic fungi, which are able to accumulate in soil, seeds and plant residues, deserve special attention. Mycotoxins lead to a decrease in the yield and quality of grain, as well as the quality of food products, which negatively affects their ecological safety, and can cause poisoning of humans and animals.

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