
By this currently issued article the ways for foreign market intrude and promotion were estimated. In focus the mission and target of a separate management decision were considered. It was a chance for any separate enterprise to be involved into international trade activity. Within a way of decision making could be deeply concerned about foreign trade activity strategy at a beginning. The main issue of the article is strategy development direction of the Company that provides any types industrial or trade activity targeting to foreign of overseas markets The most problematic point of this article concerns the main strategy issues for an enterprise within first steps and further development its international trade activity. All type of publishing and posted information about main livers for foreign trade activity is fruitful and respected within analyzing and be implemented for a practical side of trade promotion activity to overseas. The main reason for the present publication is new ways for successful foreign trade activity for all kinds of enterprises within its upgrading, first steps, either promotion their activity overseas. All kind of proposed points can be a separate subject for discussion or practical implementation depended from the terms and conditions of the foreign market or special type of enterprise behaving within intruding into foreign market. For companies and individuals not fully acquainted with export operations (however familiar they are with business practices in general and domestic operations in particular), this article offers a basic introduction to the «tools of trade»: export terminology survey, equipment, procedures, administrative backup, and essential sources of information. In the first step of your strategy decision you need to know that some office procedures apply to overseas trade in particular, such as the terminology used in business exchanges, the calculations necessary for making offers, and the system used to keep of quotation and transactions.

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