
We show that the assumption of the identity between the current and the constituent quark in the nonrelativistic free-quark model does not lead to the vanishing of the anomalous magnetic moments of the nucleon but, on the contrary, it reproduces the correct ratio (−3/2) between the magnetic moments of the proton and the neutron. By pointing out the mechanism by which the above model produces this desirable result, we then show that identity of the current and the constituent quark in this context does not imply the identity of theSU6w, currents charges with the generators of theSU6w, constituent symmetry. We also resolve an apparent contradiction between our result and one of Melosh’s assertions regarding the magnetic moments of the baryons. In particular we show that within the framework of the nonrelativistic free-quark model our result is consistent with the Melosh transformation between the current and the constituent quark. In the same framework we also point out an easy way to implement the Melosh transformation in the calculation of the hadronic-current matrix elements.

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