
Abstract The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) is the main mode of tropical intraseasonal variations and bridges weather and climate. Because the MJO has a slow eastward propagation and longer time scale relative to synoptic variability, significant interest exists in exploring the predictability of the MJO and its influence on extended-range weather forecasts (i.e., 2–4-week lead times). This study investigates the impact of the MJO on the forecast skill in Northern Hemisphere extratropics during boreal winter. Several 45-day forecasts of geopotential height (500 hPa) from NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) reforecasts are used (1 November–31 March 1999–2010). The variability of the MJO expressed as different amplitudes, durations, and recurrence (i.e., primary and successive events) and their influence on forecast skill is analyzed and compared against inactive periods (i.e., null cases). In general, forecast skill during enhanced MJO convection over the western Pacific is systematically higher than in inactive days. When the enhanced MJO convection is over the Maritime Continent, forecasts are lower than in null cases, suggesting potential model deficiencies in accurately forecasting the eastward propagation of the MJO over that region and the associated extratropical response. In contrast, forecasts are more skillful than null cases when the enhanced convection is over the western Pacific and during long, intense, and successive MJO events. These results underscore the importance of the MJO as a potential source of predictability on 2–4-week lead times.

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