
We consider the online multiple Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem based on the background of the delivery of packages in an urban traffic network. In this problem, given an edge-weighted undirected graph $$G = (V, E)$$ , a subset $$D\subset V$$ of customer vertices, and m salesmen. For each edge in E, the weight w(e) is associated with the traversal time or the cost of the edge. The aim is to find m closed tours that visit each vertex of D at least once. We formulate the traffic congestion with k non-recoverable blocked edges revealed to the salesmen in real-time, meaning that the salesmen know about a blocked edge whenever it occurs. For the version to minimize the maximum cost of m salesmen (minmax mSTSP), we prove a lower bound and propose the ForestTraversal algorithm. The corresponding competitive ratio is proved to be linear with k. For the version to minimize the total cost of m salesmen (minsum mSTSP), we also propose a lower bound and the Retrace algorithm, where the competitive ratio of the algorithm is proved to be linear with k.

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