
Abstrac: This research is an interdisciplinary study that aims to examine the cultural values of Bugisi Makassar which is involved in the interaction of the mathematics learning. This research was done at one of the schools in the city of Makassar by recording anecdotal for observing and analyzing the interactions that occur between teachers and and also between and students. The important recording is observing the cultural values of Bugisi Makassar that is involved in the interaction process. The result of this research shows that the dual concepts of the culture of bugis Makassar are siri' and pacce that is involved in the interaction of mathematics learning process between the interaction of teacher and and also between and students. This research also shows that in the interaction between teacher and students, the teacher always gives a motivation to so they can get a good achievement. It is the realization of the siri' cultural value, as well as the students, are competing and trying to do their projects as well. Another result that related with the value of pacce is reflected in the teacher effort to help the who have a difficulties and also a problem with their academic. So, the cultural values of siri and pacce as the main concept in the culture of Bugis Makassar I. Background The teaching and learning activities require a positive interaction between teacher and students, and also the and student. The interaction is not only about how the teacher convey the material to students, but interaction requires students understanding of humanely. Cobb, Wood, & Yackel (1991) states that mathematics classroom can be viewed as a social context in understanding of mathematics which a way of construction and negotiation. Thus, Atweh, Bleicher & Cooper (1998) reveals that the mathematics classroom is a place of teacher and to build the interactive social environment, with the main goal of enhancing the teaching process. The other side of who are studying in schools, they also has own character from their surroundings as the socialization process, including socio-cultural factors. The mathematics learning in schools is expected to establish the logical reasoning and attitude of students, and also to extend the supplies of to implement the mathematics in their daily life. Soedjadi (1999) stated that teaching mathematics in every level of schools is basically referred for two main purposes, which are the formal purpose and the material purpose. The formal purpose of mathematics is relating of structuring the logical reasoning and the attitude of students, whereas the material purpose of mathematics is relating to the uses of mathematics, in the field of mathematics itself or in another field. Sagala (2003) suggests two learning characteristics, namely: (1) in the learning process involves the maximum of students mental processes, not only demanding to listen and take notes, but it requires the activity of in the process of thinking, (2) in the learning process, builds a communicative atmosphere by giving a lot of discussions which is directed to improve and enhance students thinking ability, that can help to acquire the knowledge of their own construction. While in the relation to the study of mathematics, Nickson (1992) suggested that learning of mathematics is an effort to help to construct the concepts or principles of mathematics on their own through a process of internalization, so the concept or principle was rebuilt. The process of construct the mathematical concepts or principles cannot be separated from the process of mathematical thinking which is a cognitive activity, while on the other side of human cognitive activities can only take place within the social and cultural environment. According to Vygotsky, all high-level cognitive work in humans has its origins in the social interactions of every individual in a specific cultural context (Bruming et al, 1995). Whereas on every teaching and learning activities required interaction, the interaction between and another student, student interaction with the teacher and also student interaction with other learning tools. The exposure above illustrates that the activity of learning mathematics cannot be discharged by the cultural background of in the interactions of mathematics learning, and thus required an effort to assess the socio-cultural background of in the interactions of teaching and learning activities based on local cultural background.

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