
Indonesia is a multicultural country and full of diversity may potentially build its civilization through the knowledge of national insight and local cultural values. One of the local values is Betawi culture as an ethnic local wisdom. This research focuses on the use of strategy of social studies teachers in implementing the values ​​and meaning of Betawi Ethnic local wisdom in social studies learning process. Therefore, the teacher is able to be more creative, innovative and contextual in teaching and learning processes as an attempt to implement character learning to students. This study employs a qualitative method through phenomenological approach by looking closely at the strategies used by teachers in implementing the value of local wisdom in Betawi culture. The results of this study indicate that local Betawi cultural values ​​can be used as a form of approach in learning of developing student character so that the learning process will be more meaningful. One of the learning methods applied by social subject teachers at Almaka IT Middle School is first, by applying a Role play - a method used to imitate someone behaviour. The behavior implemented on the classroom is that related to Betawi culture such as the tradition of Palang Pintu(reciprocated distinctive betawi poetry), performing kicir-kicir(a name of betawi particular song) and promoting Betawi distinctive cuisine. After performing the role play, next the teacher told the moral feedback from these cultural traditions to their students. Secondly, the strategy of implementing the local wisdom values ​​of Betawi culture is applied outside of learning by making it as habit activities to be carried out at Almaka IT Middle School to instill the values ​​of religious character, togetherness, mutual cooperation, self-confidence and others in the real activities. As a conclusion, local culture can build civilization particularly for humans as cultural actors who is able to formulate the cultural on its ontological level.

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