
Weber's methodology is untenable insofar as it depends on Heinrich Rickert's thought. Methodology is of particular importance in the question of objectivity in the social sciences, the central question of the scholarly discipline, so claims Guy Oakes, professor of philosophy at Monmouth College. In 1988, he presented a brief, yet important monograph after years of analysis and writ? ing on the topic. Oakes represents the viewpoint that in the well-known studies of civiliza? tion and society, Weber lacks a sufficient and consistent methodology. To a great extent (according to Oakes), Weber developed his philosophy on the basis of Rickert's unsolved contradictions. Because of this, Oakes suggests suspend? ing further study until Rickert's solutions to objectivity in the social sciences have been fully investigated. This, however, is only reasonable if it is deter? mined that Weber's own solutions are logically dependent on Rickert's ideas about objectivity. It would then follow that Rickert's errors would imply that similar errors were made in Weber's social commentary. In this monograph, "Weber and Rickert: Concept Formation in the Cultural Sciences," Guy Oakes' goal is to find proof for just such a dependency. Oakes begins with this forceful thesis, whose foundation would have great relevance for further discussion on Weber. He undertakes a taxing and binding study, the success of which can be gauged by whether and how well he demonstrates a logical dependency between the two thinkers. In its introduction, conclusion and first chapter, the book deals with Weber, and in chapters two through four with Rickert. The logic is clear and characteristic of analytic philosophy, which presses toward theses, arguments, and proofs. Like that of other discussions on Weber, Oakes's introduction requires that one understand Rickert's philosophy in an effort to grasp Weber's methodology; yet it does not require that one have systematically checked the Correctness' of Weberian ideas, as dependent on those of Rickert. Oakes makes

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