
The article describes the main aspects of the impact of social networking tools such as: likes, “shares” and comments on their users, and examines the change in demand for a product or service of a company by using enterprises Internet marketing tools. The factors that influence the increase in likes, reposts and feedback from social network users were identified. The target audience (target customers) of companies (brands) is analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of using "likes" on social networks are highlighted, with examples of the detrimental effect of likes on the young generation. The results of our own research on the impact of likes, shares and user’s feedback on increasing conversion and demand for a product or service; recommendations for the qualitative and optimized use of social networks and their tools for promoting enterprise products have been developed. 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(in Russian) Data on how social media promotes purchasing. Vision Critical Website. Available at: https://www.visioncritical.com/blog/new-data-how-social-media-drives-purchasing (accessed: 19/10/2019). Psykholohiia «laikiv» ta «sheiriv» [Psychology of likes and sharings]. Media Sapiens Website. Available at: https://ms.detector.media/mediaprosvita/research/psikhologiya_laykiv_ta_sheyriv/ (accessed: 16/10/2019). (in Ukrainian) Yak sotsialni merezhi vplyvaiut na prodazhi [How do social networks affect sales?]. Slaidik Website. Available at: http://slaidik.com.ua/yak-sotsialni-merezhi-vplivayut-na-prodazhi/ (accessed: 04/11/2019). (in Ukrainian) Socialbakers viral branding survey. Socialbakers Website. Available at: https://www.socialbakers.com/blog/2471-socialbakers-finds-shares-correlate-94-with-brands-viral-reach (accessed 18/10/2019). Facebook prosyat ubrat layki [Facebook is asked to remove "likes"]. Lifestyle Today Website. 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  • Kosar Nataliia Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of Department of Marketing and Logistics

  • The article describes the main aspects of the impact of social networking tools such as: likes, “shares” and comments on their users, and examines the change in demand for a product or service of a company by using enterprises Internet marketing tools

  • The factors that influence the increase in likes, reposts and feedback from social network users were identified

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The article describes the main aspects of the impact of social networking tools such as: likes, “shares” and comments on their users, and examines the change in demand for a product or service of a company by using enterprises Internet marketing tools. The results of our own research on the impact of likes, shares and user’s feedback on increasing conversion and demand for a product or service; recommendations for the qualitative and optimized use of social networks and their tools for promoting enterprise products have been developed. More tasks are being arised in what ways a marketer can attract a customer's attention and make him buy a particular product or service. High-quality content are the main tools for attracting consumer attention and getting the desired "Like" or share.

Маркетинг і цифрові технології
The creation of quality content
The economic results
Mass media impressions
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