
S. Samuthiran’s “Vaadamalli” is a novel that projects the difficulties and sufferings undergone by transgenders in this society. This world has differentiated men and women but hasn’t given recognition to transgenders. These transgenders have been suffering in society without getting proper recognition. They have been fighting to get equal rights as other genders and live normal human lives which have been denied to them by society. A particular society has even gone to the extent of ill-treating and teasing them in return for their fight for rights. These transgenders have been stamped as refugees and are people who live on the edge. If this society can recognize men and women it should give that equal recognition to these transgenders too. As we know X chromosome stands for women and Y for men. This is the scientific reality. An error in their chromosomal structures brings about these behavioral changes in them which are beyond their control and all these happenings are mere science. The transgenders fail every time they try to prove this in society. Like the character named “Suyambu” in the novel who fights for the rights of transgenders, there should be organizations who help them live a peaceful life. There are still limitations for transgenders, for instance, using a public toilet. They aren’t given jobs in all fields. To conclude, the feelings and rights of transgenders should be taken into consideration and respected. Before anyone in society accepts them, their own family should accept them to avoid criticism from society.

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