
The issue of discrimination in the field of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, their practical implementation is in most cases a criterion by which the level of democratic development of any social legal state is evaluated.
 The recognition of legal equality has a deep humanistic meaning, and in a practical aspect, it contributes to the maximum use of one's abilities, the realization of one's potential as an individual.
 Legal equality is interpreted in international documents on human rights in two aspects: as equality from birth in dignity and rights and as equality before the law and the court regardless of any conditions.
 Discrimination problems that arise in the process of realizing the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen are an indicator of the level of development of a person as a subject of law, the real social capabilities of a person in a specific state.
 Today, in the process of solving discrimination problems, a gender approach is applied in a broad theoretical sense as an ideology of individual freedom from gender-based pressure. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, gender research in modern scientific practice is a separate branch of scientific knowledge that is dynamically developing.
 The practical questions raised in the article directly affect the preservation of the Ukrainian nation, and their demographic challenges require an immediate solution at the state and legal level. And in their search, gender research should be actively involved, both in the form of obtained results and actual social practice. Socially active, practice-oriented gender studies on current problems of social development can become a prerequisite for the development of state activity with the participation and guidance of the public in the direction of finding answers to the questions and, ultimately, their solution.
 The equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen must be recognized and guaranteed by the state within the scope of generally recognized international standards. However, the role of the state in the field of human and citizen rights and freedoms should not be limited to this alone. It must make all possible efforts to guarantee and protect the equality of human and citizen rights and freedoms, which determines the main direction of humanization of the state, its main humanitarian characteristics.

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