
The life cycle of Neocladocystis intestinalis (Vaz, 1932) was resolved experimentally. The prosobranchiate snail Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton Scott (Thiaridae) collected in the Yacyretá Dam, Province of Misiones, Argentina, was found naturally infected with cercariae that possessed pigmented eye spots, 7 pairs of penetration glands, 12 pairs of flame cells, and a V-shaped, or Y-shaped excretory vesicle with very short stem. The cercariae developed in oval cysts, which were found on fin rays, and under scales of naturally and experimentally exposed tetragonopterid fish species and of experimentally exposed poecilid and prochilodont fish species. Adults were obtained experimentally from juvenile Salminus brasiliensis (Characidae), bred in captivity, and infected with metacercariae from albino Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Tetragonopteridae), which had been exposed to emerging cercariae.

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