
At the end of the 19th century archival commissions as historical societies began to work in the provinces of the Imperial state. The application about opening of Katerinoslav province scientific commission was prepared in 1902. It was signed by famous elective district council members, public figures, cultural and educational leaders. The society of historians, archivists, ethnographers, archeologists and specialists in regional studies worked in Katerinoslav in 1903?1916. The author shows history and activity of the library of a local society as a province centre of local lore history. The printed editions of the society called “Chronocles” (volumes I?X) which contain proceedings of the commission meetings were the main source of research. The library collected works on history, archeology, ethnography and historical geography of Katerinoslav province. From the beginning of the library foundation it played an important part in the development of the society. The members of the society paid great attention to forming of book collections on regional history. From the first years of its activity the commission constantly supported book exchange with other institutions and organizations which favoured the spreading of knowledge and exchanging of experience. The sources contain information about people who gladly gave necessary and useful literature to the commission. Professors, teachers of local educational institutions, museum workers, cultural and educational leaders of Ukraine were among the members of the commission. In 1910 the commission totaled 11 honoured and 54 full members. Local activists paid special attention to keeping of church archive. In particular, D. I. Yavornitsky defended the thought about studying of archival documents as written evidence on the history of Ukrainian people. The library collection according to its content, subject, and chronology is considered in the article; authors groups are analyzed. Donations from different organizations and private persons were a valuable source of supplement of the commission’s book stock. The members of the commission had the opportunity to work with scientific editions of Kharkiv, Lviv and Odessa universities. The article reveals the role of A. S. Sinyavsky, V. O. Bidnov and I. Y. Akinfiev in the process of formation of readers’ tastes, scientific interest and professional level of Katerinoslav inhabitants at the beginning of the 20th century. Library activists maintained an active position in the activity of the society. For the period of existence 6 surnames of persons who took an active part in the commission’s librarianship are known.


  • Досліджено історію та діяльність бібліотечного осередку Катеринославської вченої архівної комісії

  • At the end of the 19th century archival commissions as historical societies began to work in the provinces of the Imperial state

  • The application about opening of Katerinoslav province scientific commission was prepared in 1902. It was signed by famous elective district council members, public figures, cultural and educational leaders

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Бібліотечна діяльність Катеринославської вченої архівної комісії: до 115-річчя створення Досліджено історію та діяльність бібліотечного осередку Катеринославської вченої архівної комісії. M. The Library Аctivity of Katerinoslav Scientific Archival Commission: to the 115th Аnniversary of Foundation Історія Катеринославської вченої архівної комісії (далі – КВАК) тісно пов’язана зі створенням багатогалузевого наукового книгозібрання краєзнавчого змісту, що є ґрунтовним джерелом у створенні цілісної картини розвитку губернії початку ХХ ст. Історію та діяльність Катеринославської вченої архівної комісії широко висвітлено вітчизняними науковцями [1; 2; 16].

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