
In modern socio-economic and political conditions of uncertainty, the problem of communicative competence is relevant for specialists of any profile. This competence is one of the key competencies of a modern specialist. The studies conducted by various authors around the world showed that in the professional activities of a teacher, communicative competence ensures the success of teaching and educating students, the formation of their communicative competence, satisfaction and success in fulfilling professional tasks. However, the communicative competence of teachers of preschool education remains little studied. Given the current trends of unpredictability and uncertainty in the development of structural components of society in general and education in particular, the issues of studying the structure of a communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions gain special importance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze scientific ideas on the structure of the communicative competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions. The main approaches to the conceptualization of this competence are considered: linguistic and socio-psychological. The authors point out that for teachers of preschool educational institutions the most relevant is the socio-psychological approach to understanding the communicative competence. They consider different models of the structure of the communicative competence in interpersonal communication and the criteria for its evaluation. The paper states that there are different grounds to analyze the structure of the communicative competence. It provides the models of the communicative competence, which are based on the ideas of situational, activity and socio-psychological approaches.

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