
In this study, we dwell on the determination of the levels of readiness fort he classes of Mathematics I and Mathematics II perception type of mathematical terms acquired in the process of primary and secondary education of the students who have newly attended to Vocational High School. In this frame, the model of the study made up of 112 students attending to the first grade of Vocational High School. To collect data, we applied a test with 7 open-ended questions with the pur- pose of determining their readiness levels. In analysis of the data, we made use of frequence and percentage tables and we gave place to some of their answers as they are. According to the results of the research, we determined that most of the students are lack of mathematical background. As a result of this, we have conculuded that their readiness levels of Mathematics I and Mathematics II that they take in higher education is low. Besides we have determined that they have some misconception in literature and learning difficulties. According to the results obtained, the curriculum of mathematics in Vocational High Schools should be revised as to the mathematics levels of the students.

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