
Abstract. The trophoblast hormones of the chorionic villi (CV) of the placenta play a signifi cant role in the processes of formation of structures and functions of the fetus. Disorders of microcirculation also lead to disturbances in metabolism and oxygenation, which causes fetal distress. Microcirculation disorders also aff ect the hormone- producing function of the placental complex. Disorders of fetoplacental blood fl ow at the beginning of the second trimester lead to a drop in the synthesis of hormones by half compared to the norm and the appearance of clinical manifestations of placental dysfunction. There is a pronounced drop in the hormoneproducing function of the placenta in pregnant women with miscarriage and disorders in the mother- placentafetus system at 30-32 weeks, which confi rms the failure of compensation of the placental system.The purpose. The aim of the study was to quantitatively establish the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin and placental lactogen in the trophoblast of the chorionic villi of the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy in pregnant women with miscarriage in order to understand the pathogenesis of placental insu ffi ciency in the fi rst trimester of pregnancy.Research material and methods. The immunohistochemical quantitative investigations of hormones of trophoblast of chorial villi were made at early stages of pregnancy (5-12 weeks). The material of spontaneous miscarriages of 5-12 weeks of gestation was studied (28 observations – the main group). The material of abortions from practically healthy women for social reasons (16 cases) served as a control. Scientifi c studies passed the bioethics commission, no violations were found. Scientifi c research passed the bioethics commission, no violations were found (protocol N 4 dated December 16, 2021). Standard methods of mathematical analysis using Student’s and Fisher’s criteria, standard and specialized computer programs were used for statistical processing of the obtained data. Pairwise correlation indicators were used to study the nature and degree of relationship between various parameters.Results and their discussion. It was established that the signifi cant fl uctuations of the «optical density» indicator in relation to the content of CHT in the trophoblast of HC in the main group are actually caused by two types of pathology, one of which is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of CHT (13 observations – main group A), and the other – on the contrary, by its increase (15 observations – main group B).It was established that in principle may developed two types of placental (villous) insu ffi ciency, and the common sings of its are decreased of vascularization of chorial villi. The fi rst type is described as decreased concentration of chorionic gonadotropin and placental lactogen in the trophoblast, morphological sings of slowdown of development of chorial villi with increasing formation of cytotrophoblast of chorial villi. The second type show itself increasing of concentration of this hormones in the trophoblast and decreasing of processes of formation of cytotrophoblast of chorial villi.Conclusions. Both variants of the described pathology in relation to CHT and PLH (lower and higher concentration of them in the trophoblast of HC) in combination with a certain morphological picture, in our opinion, are the molecular and structural basis of the two types of placental (villous) insu ffi ciency in the early stages of gestation, respectively.

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