
This study was carried out to identify teachers' knowledge and attitude toward implementing Program i-THINK in nine districts in Selangor state. A survey design was employed using a seven-point Likert Scale structured questionnaire. Respondents were selected using a multi-stage sampling procedure involving 500 teachers from nine districts in Selangor. Descriptive analysis was conducted to find the mean and standard division. The internal consistency reliability, often known as the alpha coefficient or Cronbach Alpha, was used to assess the instrument's reliability. This study proved the teachers had the highest knowledge level (5.35 mean value). The attitude level among the teachers towards the Program i-THINK is also the highest, with (a 5.23 mean value). This study shows that teachers well receive the Program i-THINK. Besides, these findings have the potential to be benchmarked on the status of implication Program i-THINK in Malaysia, particularly in Selangor. However, continuous monitoring should be carried out by the Ministry of Education to ensure the implication of Program i-THINK by teachers. This study implies that Program i-THINK should be used to enhance the teachers' knowledge and attitude on a larger scale to help the success of the Program i-THINK.

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