
The realities of school practice put forward new requirements for the quality of methodical training of future teachers of biology and the basics of health. A combination of various forms of organization of the educational process, transitional stage of implementation of model training programs, completion of studies according to the State Standard of basic and full general secondary education are the main ones. Updating the content of methodical training, its structuring and design are the important conditions for ensuring high quality.This study aimed to investigate the features of structuring the content of methodical training of future teachers of biology and the basics of health in the conditions of blended learning. Research methods were used: a comprehensive analysis of scientific and methodological sources, an analysis of the school practice of teaching biology and the practice of training future teachers of biology and the basics of health in higher education institutions, synthesis, comparison, abstraction. This structuring is based on the select of the leading didactic unit – the lesson. Analysis of the experience of training future teachers makes it possible to state that the use of blended learning technologies is developing both in the process of professional and methodical training. The main task of the teacher in blended learning is methodical design of the educational component as a result of action and experience gained during its mastery.The select of didactic units of content structuring and further design of the methodical training process are the basic theoretical basis for the development of a modern system of methodical training of future teachers of biology and the basics of health. Methodical skills in designing and conducting lessons are main skills of a teacher. In our opinion, the leading didactic unit of structuring is the lesson as the main form of teaching biology. The peculiarities of structuring the content of laboratory classes on the methodology of teaching biology and human health in the conditions of blended learning were described.

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